Starting the Kidney Transplant Journey

Hi, friends. As many of you have heard recently, my husband, Scott, needs a kidney transplant.  The long term effects of anti-rejection medication for his 1994 lung transplant (which saved his life) have left him with 10-15% kidney function.
Friday (10/4/19) we took the first step on that journey at Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center. We met with a coordinator, Finance, Nutrition, and (of course) the nephrologist. We are in great hands.
Given Scott’s prior transplant, there weren’t any major surprises. We did confirm that they are strongly recommending a living donor for a few reasons (including the 4 year wait for a deceased donor match).
I will be tested. We know I will not be a direct match as we are different blood types (he is O, the +/- isn’t a factor here). However, there is a kidney exchange network where multi-faceted trades can be made.
Until we find a match (direct or through the exchange), I will post facts & figures related to kidney donation so we can all learn a little about this together.
If you are curious about the donation process, please reach out to Scott or me. We are happy to discuss the details & answer / investigate any questions. You can also contact OSU at The Ohio State Comprehensive Transplant Center
Thanks 🙏 & Love ❤️


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