
Showing posts from February, 2020

Our new normal - life on dialysis

Tuesday, February 11, Scott had his dialysis catheter put in on his upper right chest.  It was a minor surgery, and relatively uneventful.  That catheter is a tube that leads directly to the right atrium of his heart. After the port was put in, he had 2 hours of dialysis in the hospital to make sure there were no surprises.  Now, he's on a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 8am schedule at a dialysis center near OSU.  He gathers a pillow, blanket, ear buds, and cell phone charger to keep himself comfortable.  He sits in a recliner for 4 hours while his blood circulates through the large "artificial kidney" machine to remove waste, toxins, & fluid.  (Stock photo to show what a machine looks like.) Scott is definitely feeling better - we've been out to dinner for the first time in months, and his appetite is back.  This is really good news. However, this is not a sustainable lifestyle for our family.  There is no way Scott can go back to the t...

Where are we now? An update...

The day that we were trying to avoid is upon us.  Scott starts dialysis on Tuesday.  At this point, we ask for prayers (crossed fingers, positive energy, etc.) that it helps him feel better.  Now that he is not teaching, the scheduling frequency doesn't feel so difficult, and his energy level is affecting his lifestyle as much or more than dialysis a few time a week will.  That is IF it improves his energy level.  According to his doctors, it affects everyone differently - he could feel better or worse. We don't know how frequently or how long each dialysis will last, many people go 3 times per week, and can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours each time.  I will update you as we learn. We don't have a donor at this point.  Two people we know of are in the process of being evaluated, and some have been told either 1) they are not a match, or 2) something in their health history excludes them from being able to donate.  Remember, if you are not a ma...

Donors, recipients in 3-way transplant at Ohio State meet for the 1st time

You guys, science is amazing!!!  Last week, a 3 way kidney exchange was made at OSU! Remember, just because you're not a match or type O, doesn't mean you can't help Scott! See the link to the 10TV article below: "Everybody in here, families were affected for the rest of their lives because of a decision that donors made to save lives of 3 individuals, and when I mean save lives, I mean save lives." 3-Way Kidney Exchange at OSU Please consider donating.